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Citizens to have their say about Mallorca's tourist overcrowding

The website will be complementary to a large survey of public opinion

The Government will open the debate to residents of the Islands through a web platform where they can leave their initiatives. | MDB Digital

| Palma |

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Residents of the Balearics will be able to contribute to the debate about tourist overcrowding via a website that the Balearic government will be launching. The government wishes to involve the islands' citizens in what it intends will be a transformation of the tourism model; they are, after all, directly affected.

Professor Antoni Riera of the Fundació Impulsa, who is the coordinator of the working parties for what is hoped will be the social and political pact for economic sustainability, suggested the creation of this website. It will gather information regarding citizens' interests and concerns and will be complementary to the large survey of public opinion that the government is preparing.

It is understood that this survey will be after the summer. At present, there isn't an indication as to when the website will be operational. The public's views will be channelled to the relevant working parties.

The government, which has been stressing the need for data and information gathering as the basis for future measures to tackle overcrowding, has accepted that any measures this summer will be limited.

In this respect, the recently approved administrative simplification decree offers certain possibilities, such as temporary parking on rustic land as a means of reducing traffic congestion.

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