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How long will it be before measures to tackle Mallorca tourist overcrowding have an impact?

Another summer of saturation. | Jaume Morey

| Palma |

The Balearic government accepts that measures to tackle tourist overcrowding will not have any impact this year and quite probably not in 2025 either.

At Wednesday's meeting to initiate what is hoped will be a pact for tourism sustainability, President Prohens said that measures cannot be introduced "in a rush", while recognising that "the vast majority of us share that we are late". "It will take time and residents will perhaps have to endure more saturation, but an historic lack of infrastructure cannot be resolved in two days."

One of those who attended the meeting, the president of the Pimem federation of small business associations, Jordi Mora, was of the view that there will not be a short-term impact. "But we'll begin to see it in two to three years."

A government hope is that intended measures and the announcement of a massive survey of residents' opinions regarding tourism will help to prevent protests and anti-tourism sentiment. As it is, there will be a protest in Palma on Saturday under the slogan of 'Mallorca not for Sale'.

But apart from launching a pilot scheme to obtain firm data for people at beaches and beauty spots, the measures themselves are unknown. The government has placed the technical director of the Fundació Impulsa, Antoni Riera, in charge of coordinating efforts. These will include various working parties that will be set up more or less immediately. Some results from these working parties are anticipated in the autumn.

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