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Easter Sunday's weather in Mallorca - and some higher temperatures during the week

Playa de Muro. | Andrew Ede

| Palma |

A fine Easter Sunday - sunny with some occasional and high cloud. The outlook for the week - getting up to 27 or 28C in areas on Wednesday and then coming back down to around 20 on Thursday. The forecast at present is for some possible rain on Thursday, but only a low possibility.

Forecast for Sunday (UV rating 6):

Alcudia (9C) 21C, light northeast easing to calm; humidity 35%. Three-day forecast - Mon: 22, Tue: 22, Wed: 25.

Andratx (9C) 19C, light south-southeast breezes; humidity 50%. Mon: 20, Tue: 21, Wed: 22.

Binissalem (6C) 22C, light southwest breeze; humidity 30%. Mon: 23, Tue: 25, Wed: 27.

Deya (7C) 19C, light northwest breeze backing south; humidity 35%. Mon: 20, Tue: 21, Wed: 25.

Palma (5C) 20C, gentle southwest breeze easing to light south; humidity 35%. Mon: 21, Tue: 23, Wed: 24.

Pollensa (8C) 21C, light north-northwest breezes; humidity 40%. Mon: 23, Tue: 23, Wed: 28.

Porreres (4C) 22C, light south-southwest breezes; humidity 35%. Mon: 23, Tue: 24, Wed: 25.

Sant Llorenç (7C) 20C, gentle southeast-south breezes; humidity 45%. Mon: 22, Tue: 22, Wed: 27.

Santanyi (5C) 19C, gentle south breeze easing to light; humidity 45%. Mon: 20, Tue: 21, Wed: 22.

Sineu (6C) 22C, calm increasing to light south; humidity 30%. Mon: 23, Tue: 25, Wed: 26.

Balearic Webcams (

Saturday summary (to 7.30pm) - Highs of 22.8 Llucmajor, 22.2 Binissalem, 21.3 Porreres; Lows of +1.8 Son Torrella (Escorca), 2.1 Lluc, 2.9 Campos.

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