Antibullying Week at The Academy

We had an Odd Socks and Shoes Day

Anti-Bullying Week

Yoga by Y4 and Y5. | Academy International School

| Marratxi |

Last week was antibullying week in the UK and at The Academy we did lots of activities to support this cause: ‘Making a Noise About Bullying’ to encouraging everyone to be an upstander so that we create an environment in which bullying does not happen.

To start the week we celebrated our differences and showed our school community that we are all unique and that our differences should be respected by having an Odd Socks and Shoes Day. This gave the message that things do not need to be the same and we should not be afraid to express our individuality.

Everyone was excited to share their odd socks and to talk about all the different colours and patterns. We spoke in tutor time and in assembly about celebrating differences and always respecting individuality. In Nursery the children used paint dobbers to make their own sock patterns on coloured paper and cut them out in the shape of socks. They chose two odd socks to take home as a reminder of our Odd socks day.

In Y1B the children wrote lovely messages on each child’s big heart shapes as in their class they want to always show kindness to each other. In the Year 2 KiVa lesson this week they were looking at inclusion. The children passed objects down the group, making sure they were working as a team. They discussed what makes a group a nice place to be and how they can ensure we are including everyone. Year 4 and 5 did some yoga together. They discussed and practiced being kind, taking care of and showing love to ourselves as well as to others.

Both Junior and Senior School the teachers and students did activities to promote a positive learning environment and make a strong statement that we say no to bullying! There were workshops for parents, guidance for teachers and activities for students.

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