Festive mountain rescue spike in Mallorca

Family trapped near Soller

Busy weekend for Mallorca rescue teams.

Busy weekend for Mallorca rescue teams. | Mallorca fire brigade

| Palma |

It was a busy festive weekend for the Mallorcan mountain rescue brigade and the emergency services in general. A 26-year-old woman was injured on Sunday morning after falling ten metres from a path from Valldemossa to Esporles, near the Cartuja gardens. The Grupo de Rescate de Montaña de Sóller of the Mallorca fire brigade was called out at around 8.55 a.m. to rescue the woman, who had suffered injuries to her hip and lower limbs.

Valldemossa local police and doctors from the Servei d'Atenció Mèdica Urgent (Samu-061) also rushed to the scene to help the victim, who was conscious. The firefighters worked together with the officers and medical staff to stabilise the young woman. She was then stretchered to an ambulance and taken to hospital.

Firefighters were involved in another rescue at around 15:55 hours of a French couple with three children, aged 5, 7 and 11, who had got lost during an excursion to Puig Ros, in the Serra de Tramuntana. The family found themselves in a steep and rugged location with no equipment for the cold and no water. The Inca and Soller Mountain Rescue Group immediately rushed to the scene and located them in the Cosconar area. The firefighters then escorted them so safety at Lluc Monastery.

Later in the day, rescue teams were called out to s'Atalaia de Alcudia. A hiker was exhausted with no food or water. Firefighters from the Alcudia fire brigade went to the area to help the victim, who was evacuated by a Guardia Civil helicopter along with his companion.

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