Mallorca's overtourism latest proposal - Cut accommodation by 40%

Measures proposed by the government are "insufficient"

Anti-tourism graffiti in Palma, Mallorca

Graffiti in Palma. | Archive

| Palma |

Opposition party Més per Mallorca have registered a motion with the Balearic Parliament to reduce the weight of tourism in the islands' economy by 40%.

This would be achieved, according to the motion, by a 40% reduction in the current number of tourist accommodation places (beds) and the establishment of an annual cap on the number of tourists.

In addition, Més are proposing an end to tourism promotion at international fairs, a ban on private jets, no expansion of airports and a cut to the number of flights and cruises.

The coordinator and spokesperson for Més per Mallorca, Lluís Apesteguia, said on Monday: "The containment measures announced by President Prohens are insufficient given the current situation." He stressed the urgency of adopting policies of tourism degrowth and economic diversification to mitigate the effects of mass tourism.

Més want to see a significant chunk of tourist tax revenue being allocated to economic diversification and an increase in the number of tourism inspectors in order to tackle illegal holiday rentals. Their motion specifies one inspector for every 10,000 accommodation places.

The proposal to cut accommodation by 40%, it's fair to say, stands very little chance of being approved.

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