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Government calls on Sunday protesters to "respect" tourists and other residents

Respect for the protest so long as it is peaceful

'Let's change course', a slogan theme for protesters. | MDB

| Palma |

Balearic government spokesperson, Antoni Costa, said on Thursday that the government has the utmost respect for those who will be attending Sunday's protest against mass tourism but called for this respect to be reciprocal - respect for those members of the pubic who don't take part and for visitors who are in the city during the protest.

He added that the government respects the demonstration so long as it is peaceful and does not interfere "with those who have decided not to demonstrate and with visitors".

Costa said that the government doesn't fear that incidents will occur. Protests to date in the Balearics have all been peaceful. "We are not afraid that anything will happen precisely because there have been no incidents here, but we have seen behaviour in Barcelona that we hope will not occur." He was referring to the incident with the water pistols.

Around eighty groups who comprise the 'Menys turisme més vida' (Less tourism, more life) platform will be represented at the demonstration in Palma on Sunday evening. Under a slogan of 'let's change course, let's put limits on tourism', they want measures against mass tourism to be adopted.

The organisers hope the protest will be at least as large as the one in May - 10,000 or so people marched in defence of decent housing and against tourist overcrowding.

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