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Argument over top Mallorca beach restaurant

The small bay in Deya is one of the most popular in Mallorca

The restaurant in Deya is hugely popular. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

| Palma |

The Balearic environmental group GOB has presented allegations against the request to install chairs and tables on the terrace of the restaurant Can Lluc, located in Cala de Deya. The owners applied to the coastal authority for the usual permit, which is renewed every three years, to install 23 tables, 60 chairs and three benches for the seasons from 2023 to 2026.

According to the GOB, this action is in breach of the regulations: “These installations are requested on terraces and on building site bars or non-detachable installations that do not have a prior concession, as determined by the regulations, and therefore cannot be the object of other authorisations”. Therefore, they request that the application be rejected.

This is not the first time that the environmental group has made this request. They acted in 2022, after the State sent a letter to the owners proposing to refuse the terrace but not to close the restaurant’s activity. This forced the owners to reapply for authorisation, although with the transfer of powers they have still not received a reply.

“They gave me 15 days to reply to their letter and it took them 15 years (from 2007 to 2022) to respond to our request to continue with the concession,” explained the owner, Jordi Oliver. “Moreover, they haven’t answered us for two years now”, he added. Oliver assures that the premises “have no negative impact on the environment” and stresses that “we offer a public service because we maintain the beach in good condition without owning it”

If the terrace has to go, Oliver explains that the restaurant will carry on but "with a reduced service". This will mean job losses and inferior service for the many residents and visitors who typically go to the restaurant. The most recent temporary permit expires next month, and he will only be able to maintain the terrace if the coastal authority have a change of mind.

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