Call to limit Mallorca to 25,000 hire cars

Hire cars are very much part of the discussions about tourist overcrowding

Hire cars

Thousands of hire cars - but there aren't accurate figures. | Reuters

| Palma |

The Civil Society Forum wants the Balearic government to limit the number of hire cars in Mallorca between April and September to a maximum of 25,000.

This forum, which comprises environmentalist groups, associations such as Palma XXI, unions and the Pimem federation of small business associations, is to hold its first congress on tourism in Palma on June 26. President Prohens has been invited. Several of the forum members attended the gathering on Wednesday to initiate debate on a government pact for tourism and economic sustainability in the Balearics.

Other proposals it has made include banning private jets and limiting cruise ships in Palma to one per day and with a maximum of 4,000 passengers.

Hire cars are very much in the spotlight because of traffic congestion and the whole discussion about tourist overcrowding and for which the government wants objective data. If so, then there should be a study of how many hire cars there are in Mallorca. No one knows for sure.

The AEVAB association for vehicle rental recently stated that it expects there to be 95,000 cars in high season. This was a figure for the Balearics and not Mallorca.

Last year, Pimem argued the case for a maximum of 75,000 in Mallorca, claiming that at times the total has reached 100,000. AEVAB has added that numbers are back to what they were pre-pandemic in 2019.

An issue with getting accurate data is that many cars aren't registered for road tax in Mallorca and the Balearics, something that has been recognised for years. So where does the AEVAB figure come from or Pimem's? Estimates tend to be made based on cars that are registered on the islands and information from shipping companies.

The Civil Society Forum's demand is most unlikely to get anywhere. But a meaningful discussion about hire cars is needed. And to be meaningful, a demand of 25,000 has to be placed in context.

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