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Mallorca tourism protests - Plans to bring the airport to a standstill

"It's going to be an intense summer"

Rally in Palma last October. | Jaume Morey

| Palma |

Menys Turisme, Més Vida (Less Tourism, More Life) has been a slogan for protests against overtourism in Mallorca. It is now the name of an association. On Friday, this association convened a meeting in Sineu to discuss proposals for cutting overcrowding and to consider protest actions.

"It's going to be an intense summer." This was a message from the assembly hall at Sineu's secondary school. The favoured target for protests was Palma Son Sant Joan Airport. There was talk of bringing the airport to a standstill. Aware of legal issues that protest activity at the airport might entail, it was suggested that a resistance fund be created for payment of any possible fines. No detail was given as to how "collapsing" the airport would be done.

The meeting in Sineu on Friday. Photo: Teresa Ayuga.

Climate activist Pere Joan Femenia told the meeting that there needs to be a shared social response to overtourism and one with which society can identify. The president of environmentalists GOB, Margalida Ramis, stressed the importance of joining forces: "Collective strength is necessary for obtaining an immediate, medium-term and also long-term response." Among proposals such as limiting the number of hire cars was also one for uniting the unions.

Ramis added: "During this period of government we have to change things, because although in three years there may be a change in political colour, we already know that that is not the solution." This was a dig at the left-wing coalition and its apparent failure to tackle overcrowding.

A "massive" demonstration will be organised, although no date was set. Meanwhile, there will be a protest in Palma next Saturday (May 25). It has been called by the Sencelles Banc del Temps collective.

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