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Arrest of the brother of the drugs baron with a 'palace' in Palma

'El Benigno' has been in temporary charge of the clan

'El Benigno' was one of six people arrested. | Miquel À. Cañellas

| Palma |

On Thursday, the National and Palma Police and Customs Surveillance Service carried out a joint operation targeting the drugs clan headed by Pablo Campos Maya, aka 'El Pablo'.

The operation was centred on the district of La Soledad. Three addresses were raided and six arrests made. These included El Pablo's brother, 'El Benigno'.

Customs had initiated the process leading up to the operation after large consignments of cocaine entering Mallorca were detected.

The main focus of the operation was not C. Teix, where El Pablo has his 'palace' and which was one of the targets for the massive Guardia Civil Operation Checkmate in March.

La Soledad is effectively divided into two and controlled by different wings of the clan, those of El Pablo and El Benigno. El Pablo's most trusted lieutenant, El Benigno has assumed leadership of the clan while his brother is in prison.

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