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A hotel in Palma is evacuated after a fire broke out in a boiler

Several patrols from the local police and fire brigades were quickly on the scene

Two fire engines have been sent to Calle 31 de Diciembre in Palma. | J.P.M.

| Palma |

A fire broke out in a boiler in a small hotel in Palma this Wednesday morning, forcing several guests who were inside the hotel to evacuate. The fire brigade put out the blaze and shortly afterwards the establishment returned to normal.

According to sources from the Palma fire brigade, the incident took place at around 10.30am. A call from the Amic Colón hotel in calle 31 de Diciembre alerted that smoke was coming out of a boiler. Several patrols from the local police and fire brigades were quickly on the scene.

When the emergency crews arrived on the scene, the tourists were already on the street. In a few minutes the firefighters brought the fire under control. The local police were in charge of cutting off part of the street to facilitate the work of the extinguishing teams.

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