Palma motorbike police to the fore in controlling electric scooters

The unit checks on compliance with certain bylaws

Palma Police and Operation Sweep. | José Antonio Ramírez

| Palma |

The Palma Police motorised section is the force's third oldest unit. Formed in 1958, this motorbike section followed the urban police and mounted police units.

Its original functions were support to the urban police and for traffic control. The latter is still a key function, but the demands have obviously expanded over the decades along with the increase in the city's needs; security for large sports events is among these.

The section has been entrusted with conducting 'Operation Sweep'. This involves a number of officers targeting specific areas of the city that are felt to be hotspots of potential traffic violations and anti-social behaviour. As well as checking on matters like parking and the riding of electric scooters, the section looks out for any non-compliance with certain municipal bylaws - the control of dogs, for instance.

It was the turn of the Pere Garau district the other day. Incorrectly parked cars, the use of bike lanes, electric scooter riders without reflective vests or using a phone; sanctions were issued where necessary.

Manuel, the chief deputy inspector, says: "Apart from scooters (which do get special attention), we come across a large number of forgeries or incorrect use of cards for people with disabilities. This is not an isolated event. We are talking about seven or eight proceedings per week for inappropriate use. We've also had the use of cards for relatives who are now deceased."

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