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Parents should have freedom to choose if their children attend bullfights

The president doesn't herself like bullfighting

Children asked the questions on the Sunday radio programme. | Radio Mallorca (Cadena SER)

| Palma |

Balearic president, Marga Prohens, said on Sunday that parents should have the freedom to be able to take their children to bullfights if the parents so choose.

"The most important thing for me is individual freedom and I believe in the ability of parents to know what their children might like or not. I am not the one to tell anyone how to educate their children."

The president went on to say that she personally doesn't like bullfighting but observed that it has been a tradition in Spain "for many years".

Prohens was responding to questions on a Radio Mallorca (Cadena SER) programme that were asked by children from two schools in Palma.

The Partido Popular, the president's party, will support an amendment raised to the housing emergency bill that was raised by Vox. This amendment will allow minors (under-18s) to attend bullfights, of which there are very few in Mallorca; there are none elsewhere in the Balearics. Oddly, because bullfighting has absolutely nothing to do with the bill, Vox insisted that it should be inserted.

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