Seven minors from small boats being accommodated at a Palma care home

The care home's operations are not being affected

La Bonanova care home in Palma, Mallorca

A wing at the care home was not in use. | IMAS

| Palma |

Seven minors who arrived in Mallorca on Wednesday on small boats have been housed at the La Bonanova care home for the elderly.

The Council of Mallorca's Institute of Social Affairs (IMAS) says that this decision was made due to a lack of places in reception centres.

The IMAS stresses that a wing of the home was not in use. The presence of the minors will not affect residents or the home's operations. They are being looked after by personnel from organisations that work with the IMAS and not by La Bonanova staff.

Reception centres for unaccompanied foreign minors are currently full. The seven will stay at La Bonanova until a suitable centre is found for them.

The protocol for unaccompanied minors is that they first go to a reception centre, where their situation is studied and the relevant bureaucratic procedures are carried out. They then go to a centre run by IMAS partner organisations.

On Wednesday and Thursday a total of 117 migrants arrived in the Balearics on small boats.

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