Second sister dies following Palma apartment fire

Police believe the fire was deliberate

Emergency services at the scene of an apartment fire in Palma, Mallorca

Firefighters and police at the scene on Thursday. | Julio Bastida

| Palma |

The second of two sisters who were rescued from a fire at their apartment in Palma has died. Son Espases Hospital announced late on Saturday that the woman, aged 55, had passed away. Her older sister, 66, died on Friday.

The fire was on Thursday morning at a third-floor apartment in the Son Cotoner district. Emergency services were called around 7.45.

It was established that the fire had started in the utility room. National Police investigators believe that the women had started the fire intentionally in order to take their own lives. Both women exhibited signs of cuts to their bodies, which reinforces the police view that this was a suicide pact.

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