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Alaro schoolboy who kicked another boy in the head seeks to justify his actions

But he takes the blame for what happened

An entrance to the school in Alaro attended by both boys.

| Alaro |

The Alaro schoolboy who humiliated another boy and kicked him in the head has sought to justify his actions while also asking for forgiveness.

The incident, which was recorded and has received attention at national level in Spain, happened near to the school attended by both boys.

The aggressor says that he has since received death threats, but he explains that the other boy had been "picking on my sister for a long time". He had previously told him to stop. "I know that hitting someone is the last thing that should be done, but anyone who has siblings will know how hard it is when they they are picking on your little sister."

Nevertheless, he takes the blame for what happened and asks for forgiveness from the other boy's family.

He adds that he and his parents have had a very difficult time since the video appeared. "Knowing that your son has done something like that must be very hard. They can't go out for fear of being told something. I know there is no forgiveness, but before judging you have to know both versions."

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