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A BIG thank you to Mallor Kawa!

A story to warm one's heart

The motocyclists from Mallor Kawa come to the rescue. | Dale and Sandra Stirling

| | Palma |

Dear Sir,

My wife Sandra and I just returned to Canada from a vacation to Mallorca.

Whilst there we stopped at Es Grau, a cliffside restaurant on the way back to our hotel from Puerto Soller. The restaurant was closed but whilst taking photos my wife got talking to a group of young motor cyclists. We then continued on our way.

When we arrived at Andratx, Sandra realised that she had left her purse, with substantial Canadian and Spanish cash, credit cards, etc. on the ground whilst I was taking her photograph. We returned to the cafe and on the way were flagged over by two motorcyclists.

These seven angels had found her purse, recognised it was hers from the Canadian money, broken into three search parties and gone looking for us. We followed these two back to Andratx where the rest of the group were waiting and Sandra got her purse back, complete with everything!!!

What a compliment to Mallorca and it's people! They had used time and gas to find us and reunite Sandra with her purse and were SO good natured about doing this! Not what we would have expected!!! CONGRATULATIONS MALLORQUINS!! This is a memory we will never forget!

We hope that you may publish our thanks. We did not get their names but they deserve to be recognised!

Yours sincerely,

Dale and Sandra Stirling from Toronto, Canada

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