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Palma horse-carriage drivers told to abide by heat alert regulations

Town hall "permissiveness" being criticised

Services are prohibited when heat alerts are active. | Pilar Pellicer

| Palma |

On Sunday, Palma's councillor for mobility, Toni Deudero, met horse-carriage owners and drivers and told them that they must abide by rules regarding heat alerts. Palma bylaws prohibit horse-carriage services when alerts for high temperatures are active.

The meeting followed complaints by the animal-rights party, Progreso en Verde, on Saturday. The party drew attention to the fact that at least five carriages were operating at around 3pm, two hours after a yellow alert for high temperatures (36C) had come into effect.

Spokesperson Guillermo Amengual reported this situation to the police and demanded fines of 1,800 euros for breaching the regulations. "Nothing surprises us anymore. The same thing happens every year and there is no consequence." He has repeatedly criticised the town hall's "permissiveness", whether the administration is left-wing or right-wing.

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