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45% of Spaniards choose Rafa Nadal as their ideal boss

Rafa rather busy practising and changing nappies

45% of Spaniards choose Rafa Nadal as their ideal boss. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

| Palma |

45% of Spaniards consider Rafa Nadal would be their ideal boss and value his humility, according to 58% of those surveyed, his honesty and reliability, for 50%, and his passion, 48%, according to an survey carried out by InfoJobs on the occasion of International Bosses’ Day, on October 16.

Second place goes to the virologist from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Margarita del Val, with 33% .

Respondents value the immunologist for her experience, according to 59% of respondents, for her honesty and reliability, as acknowledged by 42% of respondents, and for her commitment to her job, which was highlighted by 34% of workers.

The founder and CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, is in third place, with 24% of the respondents’ support. The qualities that Spaniards highlight in Bezos are his ambition at work, for 42%, his leadership skills, as noted by 40%, and his competitiveness at work, according to 38% of participants.

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