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"A sombre moment but we all feel very proud." Mallorca´s Izzy Newman at Windsor

Local personality says that there is an atmosphere of great respect

Izzy Newman at Windsor.


Mallorca-based signer and DJ, Izzy Newman, is in Windsor for the funeral of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. She told Bulletin online: "the atmopshere is sombre and respectful. There are tens of thousands of people here. Everything is so well organised. There are giant screens and people of all nationalities."

"Whether one is a royalist or not I feel a united respect for an incredible woman who selfishly devoted her life to service, that in my opinion is and should be a huge inspiration to all of us," she said.

Izzy´s mother is one of a small army of volunteers who are helping with the funeral arrangements.

"I think those people who are not British feel great pride for the Britons in having a monarch, like Queen Elizabeth."

The funaral procession is expected to reach Windsor in the late afternoon.

"I am so glad that I made the journey from Mallorca.History is being made," she said.

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