Formentor bus drivers warning of "serious safety risks"

Driving blind on the most dangerous section

Bus on the Formentor road in Mallorca

The greater risk is if buses cross each other. | Archive

| Pollensa |

Drivers of the shuttle buses on the Formentor road are warning of the serious safety risks caused by non-compliance with traffic restrictions.

One driver says that there will be a serious accident some day because the traffic jams prevent the buses from meeting their schedules. What is happening is that the amount of traffic as far as the beach is throwing the schedules out. As a result, on the section beyond the beach to the lighthouse - the most dangerous section - buses are at risk of crossing each other. The schedules, in theory, are designed to ensure that this doesn't occur.

The driver adds that "when you pass the tunnel, there is no longer mobile coverage and we are driving blind without knowing if at some point we are going to encounter another bus".

He explains that there are ten drivers in all for the route, and they are all being placed under great strain. They receive insults from passengers because of the delays. This increases the pressure on top of the "safety risk we face every day".

The bus drivers agree with the taxi drivers that the whole problem would be solved by putting up barriers like the one at the beach at the start of the restricted section in Puerto Pollensa. "But it seems that this isn't important because the traffic directorate is bringing in thousands of euros of fines, while the Formentor car park is also making money."

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