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Palma taxis fares could rise by six percent

Fares have not risen for three years

Palma taxi fares could rise. | TERESA AYUGA¶

| Palma |

Representatives of the taxi sector and the Sustainable Mobility department of Palma City Council reached an agreement today to table a 6.7% price increase at the April plenary session.

Council sources said that average trips for local city residents will go up by between five and 15 cents.

The proposed increase takes into account the rise in costs over the last three years and three months of the items that make up the main costs of running a taxi, such as fuel, oils and filters, tyres, maintenance, vehicle depreciation, financial expenses, salaries and others.

This update was agreed by the councillor for Sustainable Mobility, Francesc Dalmau; the director general of the area, Irene Nombela, and the sector's representatives Gabriel Moragues (Mallorca Taxi Self-Employed Taxi Association) and Mateu Bordoy (Association of Adapted Taxis).

Dalmau praised the sector's willingness to reach this agreement, "which looks after its own interests, but is also aware that it provides a key service to the public".


Once approved by the plenary session, the agreement will be sent to the government so that it can be validated by means of a resolution from the competent directorate general and published in the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands.

If given the green light, the cost of flagging down a cab on working days between 07.00 and 21.00 hours, will rise from 2.15 euros to 2.30 euros; the mileage, from 0.95 euros to 1 euro and the minimum fare, from 3 to 3.15 euros.

At night on weekdays and 24 hours on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays the minimum charge will rise from 2.50 euros to 2.65 euros, the mileage from 1.10 euros to 1.16 euros and the minimum fare from 4 euros to 4.25 euros.

The supplement for journeys to or from the airport, inside the airport and collection at the ferry port will increase from 4.40 euros to 4.70 euros. The minimum fare from the airport, including supplements, will increase from 13.28 euros to 14.30 euros.


The councillor explained that work is being done to promote clean energies in the taxi sector. Dalmau has shown his commitment to the sector to accelerate the renewal of the fleet towards electric vehicles.

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