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Mallorca antivaxx bar gives police the slip

Police trying to close bar down

The bar was on the beach on Wednesday. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

| Palma |

Over the past few days Palma Local Police have been trying to close down an anti-vaxx pop up bar in the Can Pere Antoni beach area where a group of people have been setting up a table with food, drink and anti-vaccine posters in the street.

According the police today, last Saturday afternoon, at around 5.45pm, they received a tip-off about an alleged act of protest against the COVID health measures.

On arrival, the officers found a group of about 18 people without masks, who were taking a photograph of themselves at a table where food and drink was being served and where there were numerous posters against vaccination, the use of masks and the COVID certificate.

The officers asked who was responsible and one of those present identified himself. He stated that they were demonstrating because they were not allowed to enter catering premises without a COVID certificate or mask.

The police officers informed the group that in order to carry out this type of act, occupying the public highway, it is compulsory to ask for authorisation; and also that they had to comply with COVID regulations by wearing a mask and respecting the safety distance between people.

The group agreed to remove the table and leave the area. The police have drawn up a report on the alleged breaches of health measures and the regulations on the occupation of the public highway.

However, this Wednesday, the police received a new warning informing them that the group had set up the table again, although when the officers arrived, they had already left.

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