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Improvement Works to the old road of Lluc to go ahead

A section of the Cami Vell de Lluc. | MDB

| Palma |

The Department of Sustainability and Environment of the Council of Mallorca has awarded the contract to start the works of conditioning and improvement of a section of the camí Vell de Lluc to Pollença to the company Excavaciones y Construcciones Briscar.

The project to improve the paving of the section of the Ruta de Pedra en Sec, has a budget of 236,538 euros and the works are scheduled to begin in January.

The project maintains the segregation of traffic between hikers, who will go along a path, and a paved area for motorized vehicles, a key element for the Ruta de Pedra en Sec. The new road surface will be made of bituminous material with a brownish-coloured finish to blend in as well as possible with the natural environment.

The project includes the improvement of a section of 2,485 linear metres of road, from the pine tree of Son Grua, at the fork of the Ma-10, to the beginning of the ascent to l'Empeltada. The road will have segregated traffic except for the last 300 metres, already within the scope of the Natural Resources Management Plan.

Councilor Aurora Ribot explained that the road project "is particularly complex, but we have worked to provide a definitive solution to the needs of the residents of the area and, at the same time, to guarantee the protection of hikers and the Serra de Tramuntana natural area.

The island's Director of the Environment, Josep Manchado, pointed out that the last stretch of the Vella road coincides with the Ruta de Pedra en Sec, an area where residents, pedestrians and hikers must coexist.

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