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Union denouncing teacher overwork because of Covid

Covid has affected primary and infant schools. | Daniel Espinosa

| Palma |

The STEI union is denouncing the situation faced by teachers in the Balearics because of the increase in the number of Covid cases in schools. The union says that management teams are forced to undertake administrative tasks that do not correspond to them and to do so beyond their working hours.

Because of the increase in cases, many nursery and primary schools are "overstretched", especially the management teams which have to coordinate with Educovid. Making calls to families, filling in protocol forms and opening schools in order to carry out tests are some of these tasks.

The STEI has sent a letter to the personnel directorate, demanding that Educovid respects time off, especially that of management teams at weekends and when they end their working day.

The union "deeply regrets" the fact that the education administration does not take into consideration family conciliation and teachers' loss of money, if their children have to quarantine, and also fails to respect the necessary rest, despite the fact that the education ministry advocates and demands a "teaching of quality".

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