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Balearics coronavirus figures for Thursday, December 2

Minorca's 14-day incidence heading towards 500

Almost 2,000 new first doses of vaccine. | Laura Pons Bedoya

| Palma |

Thursday's report from the Balearic health ministry shows 345 new positive cases of coronavirus, 14 more than on Wednesday. By island - Mallorca 247, Minorca 68, Ibiza 29, Formentera one. Of Wednesday's 331 cases, there were 227 in Mallorca, 69 in Minorca, 32 in Ibiza and three in Formentera.

The test rate for the 345 cases is 7.42%, up from 7.18% on Wednesday.

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics has risen from 266.4 to 278.5. In Mallorca, this is up from 264.4 to 273.0; in Minorca from 428.7 to 470.5; in Ibiza from 191.7 to 206.8; in Formentera from 67.2 to 75.6. The seven-day incidence in the Balearics is up from 141.4 to 148.1.

On hospital wards, there are 93 Covid patients, one fewer than on Wednesday - Mallorca 79 (up one), Ibiza ten (down one), Minorca four (down one). In intensive care, the ICU Covid occupancy rate has risen from 7.3% to 7.6%. There is one more patient in Mallorca (20). In Minorca there are five and in Ibiza one.

Primary care in the Balearics is monitoring 3,968 people, an increase of 328; in Mallorca 3,044, an increase of 251.

Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 106,522 cases and 1,026 deaths - one more death has been confirmed.

In terms of vaccination - 881,005 people have received at least one dose (85.13% of the target population), 1,975 more than on Wednesday. With the complete course there are 861,395 people (83.24%), 1,152 more.

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