Find out which ships have arrived in the Balearic Islands today

No moor in Port of Palma

Find out which ships have arrived in the Balearic Islands today

Find out which ships have arrived in the Balearic Islands today. | A.S.

| Palma |

Two giant cruise ships, a Royal Navy aircraft carrier, a Dutch navy destroyer and a number of other vessels are all docking in the port of Palma this morning and there is simply no more room.

As a direct result the aircraft carrier, Queen Elizabeth, will moor in a special anchorage area in the Bay of Palma. Two cruise ships which can accommodate 3,000 passengers each and a Royal Navy aircraft carrier with at least 2,500 people aboard will certainly be a welcome sight for the business community in Palma.

The Queen Elizabeth, the biggest warship ever built for the Royal Navy is paying her first ever visit to the Port of Palma. The Dutch destroyer is one of her escorts. They have been away from home for the last six months.

Live feed from the bay of Palma:

Here you will discover what is moored up. Follow the link and click here.

You can also find out what is scheduled to come to Palma over the next few days.

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