The Pollensa Fair ... has been and gone?

As I say, this may hopefully have been corrected

Did you miss the fair?

Did you miss the fair? | ELENA BALLESTERO

| Pollensa |

Did you miss the fair? You will have done if you were going by the programme that was posted on

With any luck, they will by now have realised the error and made the appropriate corrections. At time of writing, according to the website, the three days of the fair all took place on Saturday, October 2. They should be Friday, November 12 to Sunday, November 14. It was all a bit of a shame that this should have been loaded when the town hall was out in strength for the photo to mark the fair’s presentation.

The artisan fair will start at 6pm on the Friday, at 11am on the Saturday and 10am on the Sunday. It will also be open on the Monday from 10am to 2pm, as will be the street fair, which has the same times as the artisan fair, except the Friday, when there isn’t a street fair. I trust this is all perfectly clear.

At the presentation, the fair’s coordinator, Miquel Suau, who almost certainly unaware of the error, said that they have this year wanted to give the fair a boost by creating a website in order to disseminate information about it. Yes, that is typically the purpose of a website, so long as the information is correct.

Suau explained a new area that has been created for this year’s fair. Called Espai XX/21, its main objective is to project the professionalism of the artisan sector with talks on the “collaborative model between designers and artisans and on the importance of the circular economy in the artisan world”.

All very interesting, but one suspects visitors will prefer to know what’s on show. “A very complete programme,“ announced Mayor Tomeu Cifre. “Competitions, workshops, talks and presentations that will make for a good atmosphere at the fair.”

Still not all that clear, it must be said. Anyway, there will be an abundance of stalls and attractions plus live music. But as to the times of performances, for example, it’s hard to say, as the three-day programme for October 2 was all the same.

As I say, this may hopefully have been corrected. However, the town hall, having been alerted to the error on its Facebook page, responded several hours later, saying that all was correct (when it wasn’t) and asking what was being referred to.

It was the “programme of activities” - three days, each with the same programme, each with the same day (October 2) and each with a header saying “your title goes here”.

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