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Balearics coronavirus figures for Friday, October 29

75 new cases

Test rate back up over three per cent. | Marcelo Sastre

| Palma |

Friday's report from the health ministry shows 75 new positive cases of coronavirus, seven more than on Thursday. Of the 75, there are 57 in Mallorca, four in Ibiza and 14 in Minorca. The Thursday cases (68) were Mallorca 41, Ibiza 13, Minorca 14.

The test rate for the 75 cases is 3.10%; it was 2.36% on Thursday.

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 80.2, up from 77.4 on Thursday. The incidence rates are up in Mallorca, 74.7 from 71.0, and Minorca, 68.0 from 59.6, and down in Ibiza, 124.5 from 129.1, and Formentera, 42.0 from 50.4. The seven-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is up from 43.11 to 44.73.

On hospital wards, there are three fewer Covid patients in all (44) - Mallorca 27 (down one), Ibiza 15 (down three) and Minorca two (up one). In intensive care, the ICU Covid occupancy rate has dropped from 6.4% to 6.1%. There are 19 patients in Mallorca, two in Ibiza, and none in Minorca (down one).

Primary care in the Balearics is monitoring 1,000 people, an increase of five. In Mallorca specifically, the number is 714, up three.

Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 100,938 cases and 998 deaths - no more deaths have been reported.

In the Balearics as a whole, 866,137 people have been vaccinated at least once (83.70% of the target population), while 847,876 people have had the complete course (81.93%).

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