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Murder on the dance floor: the week in Mallorca

Clubbers - masks and certificates. | Teresa Ayuga

| Palma |

With the season drawing to an end, the Balearic government decided that the time was right to allow the clubs to reopen. Whether the clubs themselves decide to reopen is a different matter. Without tourists, there isn't a great deal of point. BCM came to this conclusion, although Amnesia in Ibiza said it would open in order to have a massive end-of-season closing party.

In the clubs that do open, clubgoers will need to ensure that they take a stock of masks with them. One frantic dance, and it's likely to be dripping with sweat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor could never have had this in mind, but it'll be murder on the dance floor with a mask on. Clubs could open, the government announced, and masks will be the essential fashion accessory for dancing. No drinking will be allowed on the dance floor, the government also stipulated, which was probably as well - given the masks rule.

The certificate in court

There was, however, a hurdle to overcome, and inevitably this meant the courts. The government sought the backing of the Balearic High Court for making the Digital Covid Certificate a requirement for gaining admission to clubs. The Supreme Court had set a precedent when it ruled in favour of the government in Galicia, and so all looked set fair for the judges in Palma to say yes. Backed with the approval of the Prosecutor's Office, which had previously been less than amenable to all government Covid measures, our learned friends did indeed give the green light to the certificate.

An advancing capacity

Last weekend, it was being suggested that there would be "minimal restrictions" come Monday, and when government spokesperson Iago Negueruela delivered the glad tidings after the Monday cabinet meeting, it was reported that "most restrictions" had been lifted. Well yes, but not for masks on dance floors or, for example, for full capacity inside bars and restaurants. Still, 75% was an advance on 50%, and the rule limiting the number of people at a table was scrapped.

Autumn holidays

With the season entering its final month, unless by some miracle the government's wishes come true and it is extended by at least another month, some positive news was emanating from Germany. The DRV travel association spoke of "high demand" over the autumn holidays which, because of the different dates in the sixteen states, cover a period of five weeks, starting yesterday.

Everything's last minute

The good news was tempered, however, with what has become a reality of the tourism market. Bookings are overwhelmingly last minute, which makes planning that much more difficult, and not only for this autumn. The director in Berlin of the national tourism agency Turespaña suggested that late bookings are now the trend, and so 2022 may well follow this trend. The Mallorca Hoteliers Federation referred to the "uncertainty that has permeated this season". Might this persist if holidaymakers continue to fear short-notice government travel policy decisions?

Minimums for workers and for presidents

With economic recovery looking as though it is occurring, the Spanish government rubber-stamped an agreement it had reached with unions a fortnight previously for a rise in the minimum wage. More is on offer in 2022 and 2023, but for the rest of 2021, backdated to September the first, the monthly minimum went up by 15 euros a month to 965 euros (for 14 payments).

President Armengol was meanwhile saying that the time had come to pay workers more. They are the ones who have "sacrificed themselves" during the Covid crisis. Indeed, and the president may have been reflecting on her own lowly salary. For the whole year, including the two bonus months, the gross is a mere 69,076 euros, the lowest for any regional president in Spain. Despite this meagre remuneration, the president also said that she will be continuing as PSOE general secretary in the Balearics and will therefore be the presidential candidate in 2023.

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