Prosecutor's Office lodges appeal against Balearics curfew

The High Court's approval was by a 3-2 majority

Quiet streets in Palma Mallorca

Well before the curfew starts, but quiet on the streets of Palma. | Miquel A. Cañellas

| Palma |

The Prosecutor's Office in the Balearics has formally lodged an appeal against the government's curfew with the Supreme Court in Madrid. The appeal requests the annulment of last week's decision of the Balearic High Court to grant an extension of the curfew.

The government will have three days to challenge the appeal and the Supreme Court will then have five days to make its decision. This timeframe means that a ruling will be forthcoming before June 6. The curfew is due to end on this date, unless the government applies for a further extension.

The Prosecutor's Office is opposed to the curfew and the restriction on the number of people who can gather socially. The High Court's opinion (three judges to two) has been that limiting fundamental rights is valid given the rights to life, referring to the threat posed to public health by the virus.

The Supreme Court has not been called on to consider other curfews at a regional level. The government in the Canaries did initially lodge an appeal when the High Court there ruled against the curfew; this appeal was rescinded and wasn't therefore considered. In Valencia, where there has been a court decision in favour of the curfew, no appeal has been made to the Supreme Court.

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