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Balearic president has received social media threats

Vox say that they will denounce the threats

Francina Armengol, who has received threats. | Manuel Bruque

| Palma |

President Armengol has revealed that she has received threats through social media. She spoke about this on Twitter, responding to the fact that Vox had not condemned the death threats sent to the minister of the interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, the director-general of the Guardia Civil, María Gámez, and the Podemos candidate for the presidency of the Madrid region, Pablo Iglesias.

Armengol said the threats she has received were made "just after the far right had justified" those made against the three. She published a screenshot with a message regretting that "they did not send her an envelope with bullets". "The people who ensured rights in this country do not deserve that we look the other way," she added, calling for a defence of democracy against those who attack it.

The Balearic vice-president, Juan Pedro Yllanes, has expressed his solidarity with Grande-Marlaska, Gámez and Iglesias. He referred to "they", the perpetrators, believing that "Spain belongs to them". "This is why they are willing to do anything atrocious to prevent our democracy from advancing."

Yllanes condemned "intolerable" threats in a democratic country. In the same vein, the regional secretary for democratic memory, Jesús Jurado, said that threats from the far right show that "the fascist mafia is concerned by governments of progress".

Vox have since stated that they will formally denounce the alleged threats. "We want the police and judicial investigation to determine who the authors of these letters are." The threats against Grande-Marlaska, Gámez and Iglesias were in the form of letters sent in envelopes that contained bullets.

This statement by Vox follows a televised debate for the Madrid elections during which three candidates, including Iglesias, walked out after the Vox candidate, Rocío Monasterio, did not acknowledge the threats made against Iglesias.

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