Majorca tourism

Mallorca hoteliers say bookings remain low

Information is "very changeable"

Hotel bookings slow in Mallorca

Hoteliers pressing for speedier vaccination. | E. C.


On Thursday, the executive vice-president of the Mallorca Hoteliers Federation, María José Aguiló, said that although there is talk of a "strong rise" in bookings, the actual volume of activity is still fairly low. The percentages may seem high, but they are from a situation that was "practically zero". Aguiló was referring to announcements by tour operators in Germany and the UK.

Currently, she explained, there are some fifty hotels open among all those which are members of the federation. More will open over the coming weeks, but there is no definitive number as yet. "Throughout the pandemic, we have seen that all the information is very changeable and volatile."

Hotels, she added, will be rigorous in complying with health measures. "We are very clear that regulations which apply to residents are also applicable to tourists." She highlighted the need for clear information to be given in countries of origin, so that visitors know what the restrictions are. In this regard, however, countries such as Germany and the UK have similar restrictions; people "will understand perfectly".

Aguiló stressed the importance of the vaccination programme. This must be a "key and differentiating aspect", although not the only one. The vaccination, she noted, is "slower than expected". The federation is waiting to see how everything related to immunisation is sorted out, including an increase in supplies to enable mass vaccination.

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