Palma has highest benefits income threshold in the country

1,500 euros higher than the second-ranked

Food bank queue in Palma, Mallorca

People can earn 931 euros a month and qualify for town hall assistance. | Jaume Morey

| Palma |

Based on a list of thirteen Spanish cities and regions, Palma has the highest maximum income threshold for obtaining "social emergency" benefits. Per person it is 11,178 euros a year (931.50 euros per month).

At the start of November last year, the town hall introduced a revised set of benefits and raised the thresholds for one person and for families. The annual income level for one person went up from 9,775 euros. In the case of, for example, a family of four it rose to 17,885 from 16,543 euros.

The higher levels mean that benefits are available to more people. Antoni Noguera, councillor for social welfare, says that the current crisis is affecting the city greatly. Leading the ranking is a "source of pride" but it also represents a very important means for helping people. "We thank the great work that social services are doing day after day." The benefits cover essential needs, such as paying electricity bills.

Behind Palma on 11,178 come Seville and Cantabria, both with 9,681 euros per annum. At the bottom of the list of thirteen is Valencia - 6,454 euros.

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