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Mallorca Weekend Weather

Mallorca Weekend Weather Forecast

Serra de Tramuntana, Mallorca. | Xesca Serra

| Mallorca |

We’re in for a right mixture of weather in Mallorca this weekend, according to the State Meteorological Agency, Aemet.

The weather will vary from Friday to Sunday, with mist, drizzle, dust, fog banks, scattered showers and there may also be a few thunderstorms,” says Aemet’s María José Guerrero. “There will also be a significant change in temperature between Friday and Sunday."

Friday is forecast to be partly sunny partly cloudy with daytime highs of 22º-25º falling to around 9º overnight.

"These are clearly spring temperatures and far from the normal 15º in the first days of February," said Guerrero.

Light southerly winds will get stronger this afternoon and 1 metre high waves are forecast in the south and east of the Island and 0.5 metre high elsewhere.

Saturday will start off cloudy with morning fog in the south of the island and moderate-strong southerly winds gusting up to 70 kilometres an hour in the Serra de Tramuntana. The sun will come out in the afternoon bringing highs of 19 degrees and the mercury will hover around 10º overnight. 1.5 metres high waves are forecast in the south and southwest of the Island and 1 metre high elsewhere.

On Sunday, a cold front will arrive in Mallorca, bringing black clouds and occasional downpours and thunderstorms. The daytime temperature will drop to 15º in the north and 17º in the south and it will be cooler overnight too with lows of 8º. The wind will be blowing from all directions and 1.5 metre high waves are forecast in coastal areas.

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