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Major police operation for New Year expected to last 24 hours

Traffic controls across the whole island

Palma and National Police officers receiving instructions ahead of the operation. | Julio Bastida

| Palma |

The major police operation in Mallorca designed to prevent illegal parties and crowds who break the curfew began at 4pm on Thursday afternoon.

More than 300 officers are involved in the operation - they are from the National Police, the Guardia Civil and local police forces. In addition, there are Civil Protection volunteers, government inspectors and technicians from the 112 emergency service. Private security firms are also collaborating with the National Police and Guardia Civil. Police units will be added to in a staggered manner, and the operation is expected to last 24 hours.

The security effort reflects the concern about the high incidence of coronavirus in Mallorca and about increased transmission because of illegal parties and gatherings. An aspect of the operation will be traffic controls at entrances to and exits from Palma as well as elsewhere on the island.

Specifically in Palma, a team comprising National Police and local police officers as well as tourism ministry technicians will be out on the streets from 6pm to 4am. This team was created in March at the time of the original state of alarm. The officers are mainly plainclothes, and the team has been operating at weekends ever since March It will be patrolling the streets in search of illegal parties, having been monitoring social media for potential information.

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