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Third night of protests in Manacor

Hundreds joined Manacor demonstration

Manacor, Mallorca. | Última hora

| Mallorca |

Hundreds of cars took to the streets of Manacor on Wednesday night with drivers honking their horns in protest over the lockdown.

Neighbours applauded the passing cars from their balconies on the third night of demonstrations in the city.

The protest was launched by traders and restaurateurs via social media, WhatsApp and word of mouth and each day more and more drivers are joining the demonstrations which the organisers say won’t stop until their protests are heard.

Manacor traders have also started collecting signatures and plan to present a petition to the Government to reinforce their demands that the lockdown be lifted.

Business owners claim that the coronavirus measures in Manacor are hurting small companies, devastating trade and that their income has slumped by 70% since the lockdown began on October 28. Traders are also insisting that customers from other towns be allowed to enter the city, by appointment, that aid be made available to compensate for losses and taxes be reduced to 50% in proportion to the days of confinement.

PIMEM President in Manacor, Mateu Català is calling for trader's demands to be heard and an immediate solution found.

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