Demand for Palma town hall to clarify scooters' regulations

The regulations refer to use between 8pm and 10am

Palma Mallorca police electric scooter control

The police have carried out electric scooter controls. | Policia Local Palma

| Palma |

The Palma Vianants en Lluita pro-pedestrian group has demanded that Palma town hall "leaves no room for individual subjectivity" in determining the application of regulations for electric scooters.

The group stated on Monday that the regulations leave users to decide as to whether they can or cannot ride on pavements and on pedestrian streets between the hours of 8pm and 10am, as appears to be indicated by the regulations. This rule fails to take account of a user's ability to judge speed, while the meaning of a "crowd" will be interpreted differently by each person.

It will put in danger "precisely the people who need to be protected the most - the elderly, children, and those with some form of disability". "It is intolerable that pedestrians are being forced to put themselves at risk by sharing their space and their time of use."

The decree regulating the use of personal mobility vehicles does refer to their being allowed to circulate "in pedestrian spaces, in the same conditions as bicycles (article 12 of the Ordinance regulating bicycle mobility), between 8pm and 10am, and on public holidays 24 hours a day, if there are no crowds and without exceeding the speed of 10 kilometres per hour".

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