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"We will put curfew back if cases rise"

Balearics given an extra hour after outcry

Curfew in Majorca. | miquel a canellas

Palma |

The Balearic government said this morning that they would put the curfew back to 11p.m. if the number of coronavirus cases rises. The Balearic government, under pressure from the business community, threw the restaurant and bar trade a lifeline on Monday night when they agreed to extend the curfew until midnight rather than 11p.m.

The rest of Spain has an 11p.m. curfew. It was announced by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Sunday night.

Spain's cumulative tally of coronavirus cases rose by 52,188 over the weekend, bringing the total to 1,098,320, health ministry data showed. The overall death toll from the virus jumped by 279 to 35,031, the data showed.

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