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State of alarm

Curfew in Mallorca starts on Sunday night

President Armengol speaking on Sunday.

| Palma |

President Armengol has announced that the state of alarm curfew in Mallorca and the Balearics will, for now, be between 11pm and 6am. This curfew applies with immediate effect from this Sunday night.

Speaking after the Spanish government declared the new state of alarm, Armengol recognised that the curfew will have consequences for certain sectors, e.g. restaurants. However, a great sacrifice is needed "in order to lower the accumulated incidence" of coronavirus cases.

The president added that the regional government will once again be asking the central government to intensify entry and exit controls at ports and airports. For now, there will be no ban on travel to and from other regions of Spain (or between the islands), Armengol noting that the Covid situation in the Balearics is "not so serious" as to warrant a ban. The state of alarm allows for such ban, but this is up to regional governments to decide.

She also spoke about the Hat Bar affair, stating that she was very sorry for what had happened and that she fully understood people's reactions. "I want to send a very clear message to all citizens of these islands. I feel very bad about everything that has happened. For this, I apologise. Although it was not intended, I conveyed an image of social relaxation which is not what our islands need at all. I am aware that this image is not appropriate."

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