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Covid-19 outbreak at Nursing Home

Inca Seniors Centre coronavirus outbreak. | Ultima Hora

| Majorca |

The Ministry of Health has confirmed a new coronavirus outbreak at the Seniors Residence in Inca.

A screening was carried out last Wednesday after one resident tested positive for Covid-19 and 3 other residents and one healthcare worker were quarantined.

On Thursday, four more residents tested positive, two of them were hospitalised and 39 residents were quarantined.

Balearic Nursing Homes

Infections have dropped at the Bell Entorn Home for the elderly in Sóller, but there were two more fatalities on Thursday, making 14 altogether.

The Government is extremely concerned about the increase in coronavirus infections at Balearic Nursing Homes.

According to Dr Javier Arranz, Spokesperson for the Regional Committee of Infectious Diseases, there are 217 active coronavirus infections at Nursing Homes on the Islands, 113 patients are hospitalised and 79 Healthcare Professionals have contracted the virus.

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