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Hoteliers in a quandry over slump in bookings

Many hotels in Majorca may not open after all. | M. À. Cañellas

| Majorca |

Hotels in Mallorca are receiving more cancellations than bookings, as a result of uncertainty in European emitting markets over the Covid-19 pandemic.

"The situation has changed in the last week and we have gone from having more reservations than cancellations to the opposite,” said the Hotel Chains Group. “The new commercial policy implemented at community level for the cancellation of reservations during the coronavirus pandemic allows customers to cancel reservations at no cost.”


The situation is widespread in all emitting markets, but mainly in Central European countries.

"Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Italy, are the most affected, there's a fear of travelling and the tightening of health control measures in some European countries isn’t helping,” said the ACH.

“The forecast for hotel openings has been completely paralysed, because the tourist situation has changed which means that many chains will choose not to open hotels as scheduled in August due to falling demand,” according to the Hotel Associations in Majorca.

The problem is that hotels are scared of opening, then having no customers, which would be a severe blow to companies that do take the risk.

"German and British Tour Operators have not paid a single euro for the winter season, so hoteliers have not received any money for operations carried out between January and mid-March and Tourist Groups have told us that they are delaying payments indefinitely,” they said.

Now everyone is anxiously waiting to see what happens in the Tourism Sector during the last ten days of July and the first two weeks of August. The number of passengers and planes at Son Sant Joan Airport continues to grow but that's thought to be largely motivated by the increasing number of tourists who own property in Majorca returning to the Island.

Norway Quarantine

Norway will decide on Friday whether to tighten its coronavirus restrictions and many Norwegian residents and tourists here in Majorca have been warned to return to home before then, otherwise they may be forced to quarantine for 10 days.

If Norway does impose quarantine it could seriously harm Majorca as a holiday destination.

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