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Hungry and homeless in the city

Parc de ses Estacions, Palma. | Antonio Dengra

| Majorca |

The number of homeless people living in settlements all over Palma is growing all the time and there are calls for Palma City Council and the Government to do more to get people off the streets and back to work.

Every day, more and more people are turning up at soup kitchens desperate for something to eat.

Hundreds have lost their jobs because of the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of people are struggling to make ends meet and many have no choice but to leave their homes and live on the streets because they have no money for rent.

The majority of homeless people in Palma are not registered anywhere so it’s extremely difficult to keep track of them.

There are 6 homeless settlements in the city, including one in the old Palma prison.

Parc de ses Estacions

The mattresses, tables, chairs and odds and ends strewn around are evidence that there are a few people living here.

Jacint Verdaguer

Several homeless people are sheltering under the bridge next to the road.


There are a few mattresses and other things under the bridge beside the trees and next to the wall that belong to homeless people living at this location, which is one of three in the area.

Carrer d’Aragó-Carrer de Son Oliva

This settlement is probably the smallest in the city and has very few occupants.

Parque de Pocoyo

A few weeks ago someone died of a drug overdose in Parque de Pocoyo, but the majority of the occupants living here do not have a history of drug abuse, they are mostly homeless due to circumstances out of their control and they go out looking for work every day.

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