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Bargains Galore!

Retailers are gearing up for the summer sales. | Jaume Morey

| Majorca |

The big chain stores and quite a few of the small and medium-sized businesses on the Islands will be slashing their prices this Thursday, as the summer sales get underway five days earlier than usual.

It's been one of the worst years on record for the Retail Sector because of the coronavirus lockdown. Even now there’s hardly any tourists in the Balearic Islands and most residents haven’t been working during the State of Emergency, so they don't have money to spend.

Despite the fact that small businesses opened on May 11 and bigger ones at the end of that month, customers are scarce, so there might be a few bargains around.

"The streets are empty" declared Antoni Gayà, President of Afedeco, who said a local family businessman told him “We are third generation traders and the first to end two days with zero income in the box.”

Local consumption is not enough,'' said Antoni Fuster, President of Pimeco, Antoni Fuster, who admitted that although he’s not in favour of starting the sales so early, this year is exceptional.

"With a decrease in sales of around 60%, entrepreneurs need to sell," he said.


The adult fashion sector has been the worst affected, according to El Corte Inglés.

"Now the fear of trying on the garments is beginning to decrease and we hope that the discounts will reactivate sales," they said.

Some small shops will probably wait until the first week of July to start their summer sales.

Empty Streets

“The problem is not so much whether the sales should be brought forward or not, the problem is that consumption is paralysed,” said Afedeco President, Antoni Gayà, who criticised the Government for not doing something to stimulate the streets and encourage consumers to shop locally.

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