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Town halls

Calvia political agreement for economic recovery

Mayor Rodríguez during a videoconference with party representatives.

| Calvia |

Five political groups are represented at Calvia town hall - PSOE, the Partido Popular, Vox, Ciudadanos and Podemos-Més (who have a pact at the town hall). These groups have all agreed to seek consensus for a social and political accord for a municipal plan for social, economic and environmental recovery.

An institutional declaration is to be made at Thursday's council meeting. This is based on agreements that have been arrived at over recent weeks. Since the state of alarm was declared, the mayor, Alfonso Rodríguez, has been holding weekly discussions with all political groups. In addition, there have been regular talks with Calvia's business representatives.

An emergency action plan for the municipality is being drawn up. This will deal with the current situation and lay the foundations for future recovery, with emphases being on maintaining jobs and sustainability.

Last week, there was unanimous approval of an initial package of measures. These included tax reductions and a postponement of the voluntary period for the payment of municipal taxes.

The forecast for tourism is that this will recover more slowly than other sectors. Because of this, there will need to be measures to help businesses, workers, the self-employed and families.

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