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Balearic government to start drafting reconstruction pact

President Armengol with the parliamentary spokespeople for Més, PSOE and Podemos. | Govern Illes Balears

| Palma |

President Armengol and representatives of the social dialogue working group will meet on Thursday to discuss the draft of the pact for economic reconstruction in the Balearics.

On Monday, Armengol met leaders of opposition parties and the parliamentary spokespeople for the three government parties - Silvia Cano (PSOE), Miquel Ensenyat (Més) and Alejandro López (Unidas Podemos) - in considering this future pact for the islands.

She stressed the need for parties "to work together" on a pact based on social, institutional and political dialogue in order to "jointly establish solutions to a situation that will be socially and economically complicated".

The meeting on Thursday will involve the CAEB Confederation of Balearic Business Associations, the Pimem small to medium-sized businesses federation, and the two main unions - CCOO and UGT. There will also be a videoconference with the island councils, Palma town hall and the Felib federation of town halls, Armengol emphasising that all administrations will be involved in assessing the immediate economic situation and "the growth that we want to have for the islands and which sectors we need to boost".

It is necessary, she added, that there are "public-private agreements", pledging that there will be dialogue and consensus "to reach the best solutions to reactivate the economy as quickly as possible".

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