
Children soon to be seen and heard

De-escalation of coronavirus restrictions on kids.

De-escalation of coronavirus restrictions on kids. | EFE

| Majorca-International |

The Spanish Government will decide on Tuesday how to de-escalate the restrictions for kids during the State of Emergency.

The Director of the Centre for the Coordination of Alerts & Health Emergencies, Fernando Simón, has warned that the de-escalation of restrictions on kids will be controlled.

"They are not going to go out freely to start playing with all their neighbours like they did before," he said, “if people think it’s going to be, just open the door and get together with children from all over the neighborhood, then we may have a problem; it's a question of responsibility.”

It’s widely thought that after a month and a week of confinement, the probability that children are infected is very low.

The Health Minister, Salvador Illa, may also consider relaxing other restrictions, depending on the coronavirus statistics which may include allowing people to go out for exercise individually.

Government Spokesperson, María Jesús Montero, agreed that "there may be other measures that can be deployed throughout the week of April 27."

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