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Emergency funding for farmers and fishermen

Farmers are to receive aid to ensure supplies. | Francesca Marí

| Palma |

The regional agriculture, fisheries and food ministry has announced a 1.85 million euros package to boost the primary sector because of the coronavirus crisis. The minister, Mae de la Concha, said on Thursday that a series of measures will continue until the end of June, farmers having been negatively affected by the closure of hotels, bars and restaurants.

Livestock farmers are to receive 400,000 euros. There are 250,000 euros for dairy farmers and 600,000 euros for fruit and vegetable growers. The ministry says that the state of alert in Spain has altered the situation in the primary sector, stressing that it is necessary to prop it up in order to maintain supplies to the public.

Fishing has been affected because of a fall in demand and in prices, and so the ministry is allocating 400,000 euros to maintain the Palma fish market, La Llotja, and to provide liquidity to fishermen so that they can continue to work.

De la Concha added that the primary sector in the Balearics has never been more valued than it is right now. She thanked initiatives that farmers have taken in delivering local produce to people's homes and in supplying tractors to be used by town halls in disinfecting streets.

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