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Urban plan does not allow car park at Plaça Major gallerias

Some shops in the commercial galleries of the Plaça Major are still open. | Jaume Morey

| Palma |

The Councillor for Model de Ciutat, Neus Truyol, has told the Town Planning Board that the General Plan of Urban Planning, or PGOU would have to be modified if the galleries of Plaça Major are to be turned into a car park.

Councillor Truyol’s comments have, once again, drawn attention to the problem of what to do with the galleries. A feasibility study by Palma City Council concluded that it would be possible to build a car park, but a second proposal to convert the area into a multipurpose space is also being considered.

When ARCA spokeswoman Àngels Fermoselle asked if parking in the commercial galleries was planned by the PGOU, Truyol said no and when the Councillor of the PP, Julio Martínez, asked if it was safe, the owner of Model de Ciutat said yes, the PGOU only provides for commercial use and infrastructure of the space.

Councillor Martinez expressed concern that the commercial galleries in Plaça Major will be closed for two years, after Truyol confirmed that the modification of the galleries would not happen immediately because the Planning Department has other urgent works to attend to.

“It will not be easy if the PSOE wants to make a car park in the commercial galleries,” said Councillor Martinez, who is concerned about the degradation of a central and emblematic part of the city.

The concession that was in place for the last 50 years in the galleries ended in September 2019 and the Consistory decided not to extend it.

Earlier this month, ARCA proposed recovering the train tunnel that connects the galleries of Plaza Mayor with Parc de la Mar, and the construction of an Interpretation Centre which would detail the History of Palma.

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